Thursday, May 23, 2013

Camp Phone Numbers

Calling from the United States to Botswana:
011 - US exit code, which must be dialed first for all international calls made from USA or Canada.
267 - Country code for Botswana.
US to Botswana international dialing format: 011 + 267 + phone number

Student Phones:
We have bought two student phones, which will be shared freely by all students. The students can use these phone to call home or you can reach them as well. Please be patient as the Botswana network is not as reliable as the networks in the United States. The Botswana network may go down from time to time, but usually not for periods longer than a day or two.

Student phone #1: 75708877
Student phone #2: 72818867

Emergency numbers:
We also have a satellite phone in case of emergencies. This phone is only switched on between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Botswana time and will ONLY be used for emergencies. You can also call Thoralf or Thomas in case of emergencies, if needed.

Satellite phone # 00 881631627587

Thoralf (instructor): 72670836
Thomas (teaching assistant): 76473080
Emergency email (Thomas):

Small update:
Nastasha and Margaret joined the group yesterday before we drove down to Ghanzi. Base camp was already set up and everyone have paired up in comportable tents. The last two students, Maggie and Jessica, are arriving in Maun today and will travel down to join the group tomorrow. Today, we are getting familiar with our camp, safely rules, and taking a walk to get a small introduction to the areas vegetation, soils, birds, and might even get lucky and spot an antilope or two.

More to come soon!!


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