Saturday, July 4, 2015

Whiteboard Presentations (Kori, Sara, and Ashley)

Happy fourth of July from Maun, Botswana! There are sadly only a few more whiteboard presentations to go before the end of the program. Here are some more from our trip into the Delta.

Kori presented on community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in western Botswana. Her presentation covered two main approaches to participatory conservation, people-centered and planner-centered and discussed the level of empowerment that communities are given through these two strategies.

Sara examined the influence of rangeland policy decisions in the Lake Ngami area. Her article found that measures taken to reduce overgrazing and overstocking of livestock in the Ngamiland district actually led to increased land degradation in the communal grazing areas that were established as a part of the Tribal Grazing Land Policy (TGLP).

Lastly, Ashley spoke on human-elephant conflict in northern Botswana. Her article examined elephant movements alongside the spatial arrangement of human settlements to determine measures that could be taken to reduce the damage done by elephants. The authors suggested the use of fences to reroute elephant movements, as well as the use of chili peppers to discourage elephants and protect crops.

Kori with her presentation on CBNRM.

Sara with her two whiteboards on TGLP (including a very nice map of the Ngamiland District).

Ashley with her presentation on elephant crop-raiding in northern Botswana.

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