Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Student Introductions (3/8)

Next, Preston and Clinton, who have named their tent "Kalahari Dream Machine," will introduce themselves and thank those that have helped fund and support their study abroad experience!

I am currently a senior majoring in Geography and the Environment. My academic interests are focused on the sustainability and geomorphology of coastlines. I try to stay involved with the department by acting as Vice President for the Geography Society. After receiving my bachelor’s degree I plan to either continue my academic career, or receive a government position in environmental protection. I would like to thank my parents for giving me the funds to be able to take part in this amazing trip.

My name is Clinton Burgos, I’m a Computer Science major and a musician by hobby. I became interested in this program because of the unusual location and the focus on climate change – a subject I am not very well exposed to in my major, but also one I believe is important to understand. So far it’s been a great experience and I’m glad I’m here! I want to thank my parents for making my participation possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Preston and Clinton! Clinton - how's your finger now? Too bad the data plan and texts aren't working but glad you can really get away from at least some tech stuff! Text you when you are back in London!! Pholo e ntle!


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